My whole world changed today. How so? I found out that I'm pregnant!!! I can hardly believe it!! I'm in shock but in a super good way! I'M PREGNANT!! Here's the whole story:
Jake and I decided to start trying to get pregnant before he deploys in the fall. After my last cycle, I was seriously convinced that I was pregnant. It all started with me waking out of a sound sleep one night to the thought "hm, I'm pregnant." Out of nowhere! I smiled and went back to sleep. I was somewhat obsessive during the notorious "two week wait" wondering and wanting to know so badly if I was pregnant! I took multiple tests early and they all came up negative. I was disappointed but I couldn't shake the idea- the feeling!- that I was indeed pregnant. I kept testing and kept getting negatives. After testing on our 30 month wedding anniversary (yes, we still celebrate month-iversaries, what of it) and getting my sixth negative, I decided to just wait it out. I stopped obsessing and just waited. I tried to push it all out of my mind and wait to see what would happen. Fast-forward 9 days to today. Last night I decided that I would test again first thing this morning. To be quite honest, I didn't really want to test again. I was sick of seeing negatives so I would rather not take a test at all. If I got another negative this late, I would have to face the truth. So although I was anxious to know if I was in fact preggers, I wasn't exactly anxious to pee on another stick. I got up this morning and used my last EPT + - test. As soon as I put it back down on the counter that little + sign appeared!! I was incredibly surprised and unbelievably overjoyed when I saw that positive!! I started shaking and kept saying "oh my gosh" over and over again. No one else was awake or around so I instantly rushed back downstairs to my room and started nudging Jacob to wake him up. All I could say was "DO YOU SEE A PLUS?!!? DO YOU SEE IT??!!" as I shoved the test in his face. Poor Jake was so disoriented as he woke up but as soon as he realized what was happening he grabbed the test, gave it one look and agreed that he saw the + too!! By this point, I was smiling ear-to-ear and shaking like crazy with pure excitement! I couldn't believe it was true!! We had our positive!! Jake pulled me into a tight hug and said, "you're pregnant!". In my shock I answered, "I think I'm pregnant." It was so surreal! We both shed a few happy tears before venturing back upstairs to see if my parents were around so we could share our good news. After discovering that they were both out running errands, I figured I should take another test, just to be sure. I've got to admit, I was a little nervous to take a second test! I was scared it would be negative and I would be super letdown. This time I used my last First Response Early Results test. Jake joined me for this test and we both stared at it as soon as I put it down. Two beautiful pink lines showed up instantly! I'm talking within seconds! We were thrilled!! Ahhh!! What an incredible feeling!!! I wanted to see those two pinks lines so badly! After this test, Jake called his parents to share the news and I waited for mine to get home so I could tell them in person. A couple hours later my dad got home but my mom was still out. I wanted to wait and tell them both at the same time but I was just so gosh darn excited that I couldn't hold it in! I held both tests behind my back and told my dad to pick a hand. He chose one and I handed him the test that was in that hand. He looked at it, very puzzled, put on his glasses, did the funniest double-take and shouted "you're pregnant?!?". I told him yes and he screamed! It was such a great reaction and I didn't really expect it from him! He was so happy! Once my mom got home I did the same thing to her- held the tests behind my back and had her chose a hand. She was very confused and asked what it was before it finally clicked and she realized what this meant. She screamed for probably three minutes straight and hugged me about 100 times, haha. She beamed and proudly announced that she was going to be a grammy! It was so fun telling my parents the news! I loved seeing their faces. They were so excited! Later tonight, I decided to take one more test (I told you I was obsessive!). I took a Clear Blue Easy Digital test. I wasn't nervous for this one, just excited. Jake goofed on me by blocking the results window from me for a few seconds but as soon as he moved his hand the "Pregnant" result appeared! It was really cool to see it in words instead of symbols! Pregnant! No denying that one!!! What a thoroughly exciting day!!! I'm so happy to be pregnant!!!!