Tuesday, October 30, 2012

21 Weeks

How far along? 21 weeks & 2 days! 
How big is baby estimated to be? CJ is the size of a pomegranate now! Or the length of a carrot. He's around 8ish inches and should weigh close to a pound now! I love watching him grow!
Total weight gain: Approximately 8.5 pounds; up to 132.5lbs. Eeeek! I can't believe I've almost gained 10lbs. That's just nuts to me!! But I know it's all worth it to keep my little man growing big and strong!
Wearing maternity clothes? I wore my new maternity jeans for the first time this week!! My regular jeans still fit but aren't the most comfortable. I can still button/zip them but they don't feel good on, ha. And my tummy isn't big enough to do the hair tie trick trick yet. I feel like I'm in this weird in-between. I don't really need to wear maternity jeans yet but I don't like wearing my regular jeans... So, maternity jeans it is! They feel much more comfortable over my hips! I wanted to be comfy and look my best for homecoming, haha. I'm still loving my maternity leggings, too! And still no maternity shirts yet. I'm working maternity items into my wardrobe slowly.
Symptoms this week: I've been feeling pretty good this week... Some leg cramps and a lot of stiffness from spending 12+ hours driving this week. Also, my scalp has been super itchy! That took me off guard, haha. And no, I don't have bugs (my mom checked) and I didn't switch any hair products. I'm chalking it up to hormones. Still getting indigestion/heartburn and now some other weird stomach pains. It isn't really painful just very uncomfortable. Nothing makes it feel better, either. Not Tums or laying on my side or drinking water; nothing. Other than thaaat, I feel good! I can't think of anything else that has really been bothering me. 
Food cravings: My love for green beans has finally seemed to diminish a little... no really strong cravings this week! Although I was VERY happy to enjoy some of my favorite foods from Pennsylvania this week! I ate at the Pub at Wegmans (yay for zucchini fries and a veggie burger!) and drank (decaf) Wawa coffee everyday. I missed that area and Wegmans & Wawa in particular very much! I am also back to eating plain Cheerios like they're candy! And grapes have become my favorite fruit. I haven't had much in the way of strong cravings this week, though.
Food aversions: Nada!
Any movement from baby? Yes yes yes!! I felt Camden kick for the first time this week!!! Or at least for the first time that I was entirely certain it was a kick. I was laying in bed, trying to fall asleep (at 2am, yuck) and it felt like a ping pong ball was thrown across my stomach! That's the best way I could explain it. The feeling was strange but AWESOME! I knew it was a kick as soon as it happened! I was soooo excited that I texted Jacob right away to tell him!! He was just starting his workday but he was able to sneak a quick excited response. I'm so excited to finally be feeling him kick!!! Ever since that first kick, I've felt him kick quite a few more times! It is SO COOL! I can't wait for those kicks to get even stronger and be felt from the outside!! From what I've read, that should happen around 24 weeks. Until then, CJ needs to keep growing big and strong so his movements can be stronger and therefore felt by others. I love feeling him move all around! He's been such a wiggle bug lately! It makes me so happy! As a matter of fact, he's moving like crazy right now as I type this! :D
Gender: Boy! 
Emotions and experiences this week: Way too many emotions this week! That seems to be the norm lately, ugh. Going to homecoming made me miss my hubby a lot. A lot. We had our very first date at homecoming four years ago! That's crazy to me. And ever since then homecoming has been a special event for us. We'd go to the basketball game together each year, sit in the same spot and reminisce about our first date. Needless to say, it was very bittersweet to experience all of the homecoming festivities without Jacob. It great to go with a friend and be there to experience it all, though! I still had fun. It was just bittersweet. It's also been a full month since Jacob left, which is bittersweet as well. I'm glad that we have one month down but it felt so long! I'm wondering how I'm going to make it through 5+ more months without him... Gahhh! I feel so ripped off, ha. Jake should be here for all of this pregnancy stuff. I wish he could be here. It makes me sad. On a happier note, it seems like Camden is growing sooo much lately! I love seeing my tummy grow. I think he had a big growth spurt this past week! It's exciting! 
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving! I'm excited for the holiday season to begin. I love the holidays. They'll be very different this year but I think they'll help the time go by faster... They'll distract me. Also, I'm going away with my mom for a scrapbooking weekend in New Hampshire so I'm looking forward to that! I feel like this first month of Jake being gone went by very slowly so I'm hoping that time goes a little faster now that the holidays are coming around. 

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