Wednesday, November 14, 2012

23 Weeks

How far along? 23 weeks & 3 days! 
How big is baby estimated to be? The size of a grapefruit! About 8 1/2 inches crown to rump and around a pound and a half!
Total weight gain: Up to about 135lbs. Eeek. I've broken the 10lbs gained mark and am up by about 11lbs so far. That sounds like so much! :/ But I'm eating healthy and exercising a lot so I'm still feeling good! It's weird to keep following my healthy habits but see the scale go up. I feel really healthy, though, so I guess that's what matters most! As long as CJ and I are healthy :]
Wearing maternity clothes? Yep! Mostly still leggings but occasionally maternity jeans... I feel like I'm still in a bit of a weird in-between phase... My maternity jeans don't stay up too well because my belly is still pretty small... It's getting a little cold to wear leggings everyday... And all my regular shirts still fit. Weird phase. I did use the hair tie trick to make my regular jeans fit last week, though! That was nice, haha. I guess I just need to be a little more creative for now... Or I can be a bum and wear sweatpants/yoga pants/leggings/hubby's clothes everyday. Yeah, that's more like it ;]
Symptoms this week: Nothing too bad this week! Some mild achey pains in my stomach but that's to be expected as I grow. Camden was laying right on my bladder all day on Monday so I had to pee nonstop, haha. That was interesting! On a positive note- I've gotten rid of my stuffy nose plague by running a humidifier in my room all the time! That has helped tremendously! I should've replaced my filter sooner so that I could use the humidifier again! I'm glad I finally did that. I have been feeling a little more tired this past week. Maybe it's a growth spurt. Or the fact that I've been working out A LOT and it makes me tired... I'm not exhausted all the time like I was in my first trimester- I definitely have more energy than that. I just find that I am SO ready to crash at the end of the day. And I sleep like a rock. All-in-all, I feel fabulous and really can't complain! 
Food cravings: I want a pomegranate SO BAD right now!!! I'll definitely be picking some up at the grocery store today! Other than that, still lots of fruit in general. Nothing else really strong. At least not that my pregnancy brain will let me recall at the moment ;]
Food aversions: Nada. Yay! 
Any movement from baby? Ohhhh yes!! And I seriously LOVE every second!!!! I will NEVER get sick of feeling Camden move! He's been so active! Both of my parents have felt him kick :D I love holding my tummy and feeling him kick and jab and wiggle all around. It's so amazing!! It makes me smile so big. He was moving so much last night- I watched my tummy and saw a few little jabs! I didn't think his movements would really be visible from the outside yet even though they can be felt... It was really cool to see! I love that babyboy is getting bigger and more active!
Gender: Beautiful baby boy <3
Emotions and experiences this week: It's been a pretty good week... I had an OB appointment last Friday and that was nice! Nothing exciting, just a routine visit. But I did get to hear and record Camden's heartbeat so that was nice! I also found out that I'll have my glucose screening test at my next appointment (early December). Yuck! I'm really not looking forward to that! I hate getting blood drawn! And it sucks that Jake can't be there for me this time! He was so great last time... Bahh, I know it won't be that bad but I'm just not looking forward to it. Oh well. I'll be crossing my fingers for good results so that I can indulge in some Christmas goodies, hehe. Umm, other than that... I can't think of anything exciting to report! Just lots of movement from CamJam. And my belly is growing a lot, which I love. And it doesn't feel uncomfortable yet. I don't feel like I'm being stretched out or anything like that... I think keeping my skin extremely well moisturized has helped a lot! That and I've been gaining weight slow but steady. I've read that both of those things can help with the stretching. Oh, and working out! That's helping, too. And I think Camden likes it when I workout! He always seems to be extra wiggly after a workout, haha.
Looking forward to: Scrapbooking this weekend!I haven't been to NH in awhile and I'm excited to get away for a weekend! I think it's going to be a lot of fun! And of course I'm still looking forward to the holidays! It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week!! Craziness. I think my mom and I are going to go Black Friday shopping for the first time ever so that should be interesting, haha. I'm very excited to send Jacob a myriad of Christmas care packages!! I already have the first one in the works so I can send it next week so he'll get it the following week. I have a ton of fun ideas for Christmas-themed boxes for him and for the guys he works with. I also have a fabulous New Years care package idea! So this next month or so is going to be filled with fun putting together holiday care packages! Eeeee, I just love the holidays!

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