Monday, December 24, 2012

29 Weeks

How far along? 29 weeks & 1 day!
How big is baby estimated to be? He's about the size of an acorn squash or a small cabbage... He should be about 3 pounds now! It's crazy to think that he's around half as heavy as he'll be at birth!
Total weight gain: Approximately 14lbs; up from 124 to 138. I've been somewhere between 136-138lbs all week so I'm just estimating on the higher side... I feel like Camden had a growth spurt this week, though!! I was hungry almost nonstop and a little more tired. Plus I feel like my bump has popped more! He's getting bigger everyday and I love it! :D
Wearing maternity clothes? Some mixed with regular clothes. I'm definitely wearing maternity jeans with the panel rolled down in the pictures above, haha. It's just more comfortable than my regular jeans at this point. Still wearing mostly all my regular tops. And still trying to get away with maternity leggings when it isn't too cold out.
Symptoms this week: Been a little more tired this past week. But I also had a busier-than-usual week so that contributes to it as well. I'm not exhausted again yet like I've heard happens in the third trimester, though! I still feel really good. Some minor heartburn here and there, some dizzy spells, a little shortness of breath... Nothing bad.
Food cravings: Well, I had been craving some good tiramisu for about two months but I wasn't giving into the craving... Then, my daddy brought home a fresh piece of tiramisu from our local Italian bakery! Yes, I definitely devoured the entire thing and it was delicious! Definitely the best tiramisu I've ever had. Other than that, I've still been eating healthy- lots of fruits and veggies, egg whites, chicken, whole wheat bread and pasta... No super strong cravings. Oh! I did discover my new favorite snack, though. A banana, sliced up, topped with a little dab of peanut butter and a couple mini chocolate chips, FROZEN. Yes. It is absolutely incredible! Perfect cure for a sweet tooth without being really unhealthy.
Food aversions: None. Although my little brother cooked turkey bacon yesterday and the smell totally made me nauseous. Odd. 
Any movement from baby? Still lots and lots!! And I still love it all!! It isn't painful or uncomfortable yet so I'm enjoying every little kick, wiggle, jab and hiccup. His movements feel so much stronger these days as he gets bigger. I get a lot more bulges out of my belly and funny movements like that. It's all so incredible and fun! This morning after I talked to Jake, Camden was SUPER active!! He was moving in ways I never felt before! It was great. Then he got the hiccups and I could tell, from the little jumps of the hiccups, where his upper body was. That gave me a pretty good idea of how he was positioned in my tummy, which I thought was really cool :]
Gender: Boy <3 
Emotions and experiences this week: This week was good and little busy for me. I did a lot of last-minute Christmas shopping with each of my parents, which was a lot of fun. But spending 10 hours on my feet braving the crowds made me tired and sore! Which made me sleep really well, so I guess that's good! It's surprising how much carrying around an extra 14 pounds can make my feet so sore! Haha. I had fun being out and about shopping, though! It was nice to be a little busier. And it made me feel more like it's Christmastime. But at the same time it definitely made me miss Jacob. It's so weird not having him here for the holidays! This is the first time in 4 years that we haven't spent Christmas together. We did get to have a wonderful Christmas Eve Skpye date this morning!! That was definitely the highlight of my week. He woke me up around 5am because we got the two most recent care packages I mailed him and wanted to Skype while he opened them. It was soooo fun to see his reactions!! I love sending him boxes. It makes me feel more connected to him. And getting to watch him open them is even better! It's so great! And I got to open my box of Christmas gifts that he sent to me!! He's so sweet and thoughtful- there were all sorts of goodies in there for me! It was the perfect way to start my Christmas Eve! Sweet and special.
Looking forward to: Christmas tomorrow!!! I'm looking forward to spending the day with my family, exchanging gifts and having a delicious dinner. This week (the 27th) also marks mine & Jake's third anniversary! It's exciting but sad since we can't be together... Luckily we're almost halfway through this deployment! It feels so much longer, though. Other than that, I'm looking forward to this year coming to a close. I just want to start a new year and be even closer to Camden's arrival and Jake's homecoming! 

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