I was always the type to say that leggings were not pants, and then... Camden
I had no idea how strong my body really is, and then... Camden
I didn't think I could survive waking up every hour for a month, and then... Camden
I wasn't big on naps, and then... Camden
I wouldn't go out in public with messy hair that hadn't been washed in two days, and then... Camden
I didn't consider a day to be productive simply because I clipped someone else's fingernails, and then... Camden
I never made up silly songs about menial tasks, and then... Camden
I was great at remembering things, and then... Camden
I blogged regularly, and then... Camden
I took my time making a delicious dinner every night, and then... Camden
I didn't consider sitting down to eat a meal a luxury, and then... Camden
I never sniffed another person's butt, and then... Camden
I kept up with my favorite TV shows, and then... Camden
I didn't know exactly how much could be accomplished with a baby on my hip, and then... Camden
I didn't think I'd say things like "you can't eat the wheel of your stroller" or "good toot!" and then... Camden
I was spontaneous, and then... Camden
I didn't walk around singing Disney Junior theme songs, and then... Camden
I had no idea I was such a good multi-tasker, and then... Camden
I never got peed on and found it funny, and then... Camden
I never took two days to actually finish the laundry, and then... Camden
I had a personal library that consisted of books other than baby books and children's stories, and then... Camden
I danced without looking like an overdramatic spaz, and then... Camden
I wore necklaces without fear of strangulation, and then... Camden
I never celebrated 5 straight hours of sleep, and then... Camden
I could easily carry everything I needed in a small purse, and then... Camden
I shaved regularly, and then... Camden
I could easily get up and out of the house in an hour flat, and then... Camden
I didn't regularly use words like "nuh-no", "pajama time", "boo-boos", and "poopies", and then... Camden
I had never caught a head-butt square on the nose, and then... Camden
I didn't think I'd ever find Cheerios stuck to my legs or pasted to my bed sheets, and then... Camden
I was always on time, and then... Camden
I had no idea how bittersweet it was to watch someone grow up, and then... Camden
I never used my phone's entire memory on pictures and videos, and then... Camden
I couldn't grasp the ferocity of a mother's love, and then... Camden
I never knew how much love my heart could hold, and then... Camden
I had no idea so much was missing from my life, and then... Camden