First of all, can I just say how this time of the year is exponentially more fun with a child?! It's seriously
the best! I love the holidays to begin with but having my own son to share them with makes it all that much more fun! It's amazing. I feel like a kid all over again. The excitement. The newness of it all. Obviously Camden doesn't understand what the hoopla is all about but it's still so neat to share all these "firsts" with him. Plus, Jacob was deployed for the holiday season last year so it's awesome to have him here to enjoy it all, too! It's so special. I am nothing short of thrilled to be celebrating the holidays with both of my guys! BOTH my guys! Gosh, I feel so blessed just typing that! :D
I know I'm a little late posting about Thanksgiving, seeing as Christmas is next week (WHAT?!) but I wanted to recap Camden's first Thanksgiving. Overall it was a
gigantic mess success! Camden surprisingly slept in until 10:30am so we missed a lot of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, which I was a little bummed about. But I was sick the day before Thanksgiving so being able to sleep in was a huge blessing. Camden had some puffs and cereal for breakfast before playing for awhile and going down for his morning nap. I snuck in my workout and a shower while he slept then we all sat down for our Thanksgiving meal together! I set aside some boiled white potatoes and sweet potatoes as well as a few steamed carrots and some turkey (that we pureed) for Camden's meal (I didn't want him to eat all the butter, milk, salt, and whatever else usually goes into our mashed potatoes and other sides so he had them au natural!). I think Cam was most thrilled to be able to
make a mess of eat his meal with his hands! He loved squishing everything between his fingers, haha. We put some bites in his mouth for him and let him take the lead feeding himself after. He was NOT a fan of the turkey! He's eaten turkey before- mixed with sweet potatoes, apples, or something else- but he didn't like it plain. At all. His reaction was hysterical! I caught a video of his reaction (which can be found on my Facebook and Instagram) and watched it over and over. I love how honest his expressions are- if he doesn't like something he makes a face and doesn't hesitate to spit it out! It's just so funny. He doesn't know to care about what other people will think. The innocence is refreshing and sweet. I regress. He didn't like the turkey but he enjoyed the potatoes! His carrots ended up getting rubbery so we didn't let him have those. He did have a couple bites of a roll as well. We all enjoyed watching him eat and make a mess. Camden definitely stole the show at the table! My little goof. Also, in celebration of Thanksgiving, Camden cut his first TWO teeth!! I had a sneaky suspicion he was going to cut two at once and that they were coming soon. I found them while we were eating! His two bottom teeth. What a festive boy! Haha. Clearly, this calls for many, many pictures of Camden's Thanksgiving feast so here we go!

Gosh, I love this boy so much! I can't wait to share Christmas with him! It's going to be magical. I hope you're all enjoying the holiday season with your loved ones! :]
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