How far along? 32 weeks & 2 days!
How big is baby estimated to be? I don't know anymore! Haha. The size of a really big head of lettuce or a squash? I don't know... He should be around 17-19 inches and 3.5-4ish pounds now! :D
Total weight gain: Still at 16lbs gained; weighing in around 140lbs these days. I have another prenatal appointment this week so we'll see if I weigh-in higher there!
Wearing maternity clothes? Still a mixture of maternity and regular clothes. I decided to try on my favorite pre-preg skinny jeans this week and was rather delighted to discover that they still fit comfortably!! I have been wearing maternity jeans simply for the comfort of the sexy panel (ha!) so I hadn't bothered to put on regular jeans in awhile. It was nice to find out that they still fit!
Wearing maternity clothes? Still a mixture of maternity and regular clothes. I decided to try on my favorite pre-preg skinny jeans this week and was rather delighted to discover that they still fit comfortably!! I have been wearing maternity jeans simply for the comfort of the sexy panel (ha!) so I hadn't bothered to put on regular jeans in awhile. It was nice to find out that they still fit!
Symptoms this week: I've been feeling really good this week! I'm almost completely over my chest cold, aside from a little lingering cough. I was finally able to get back into my workouts after taking five days off, which made me verrrry happy! Nothing is bothering me pregnancy-wise. A little short of breath at times, it's getting a little harder to put my boots on, some Braxton Hicks... But it's nothing that gets to me. I'm still feeling wonderful! I fully believe that staying so active has been a total lifesaver during my pregnancy. I've worked out consistently the whole time. I've always been an active person and I'm so glad I was able to carry that on throughout my pregnancy. I also think that doing P90X and some Insanity before I got pregnant really primed my body, so to speak. I was, without a doubt, in the best shape of my life when I got pregnant. So it makes sense that my body has adapted well to being pregnant. My muscles are all strong enough to support my growing and changing body/belly. I also credit P90X and mainly Ab Ripper X for my stomach being so small and it taking forever for me to really show. Plus, that ab work definitely made my entire core really strong so I haven't had any back pain. And even if I do get aches and pains, my body is used to being sore from working out so those little aches don't bother me at all. I actually love being sore from working out, haha. It makes me feel so accomplished. So the little pregnancy aches and pains are nothing. So far, haha. I'm sure the after pains of labor will be a different story! Hopefully my fitness habit will work in my favor post-pregnancy, too! I'm not going to lie, I'm looking forward to doing P90X again after CJ is born! Working out has and always will be my out and I'm very thankful that it's been so helpful during my pregnancy! Okay, fitspo rant over, haha.
Food cravings: Greek yogurt. Protein shakes with frozen banana, peanut butter and spinach. Yaki Soba. Guacamole. Oranges. I've had quite a few random cravings this week and a few strong preferences that have stuck around for a couple weeks now.
Food aversions: Nada. My appetite disappeared last week while I was sick. It was difficult to force myself to eat for Camden's sake but I did it anyways. I didn't have aversions just no appetite. But now my appetite is back in full force! CamJam is definitely having a growth spurt because I have been one hungry mama bear! Haha :]
Any movement from baby? Yes!! Some of his movements startle me now! He seems to enjoy being under my ribs on the right side, haha. That can be a little uncomfortable but I can usually get him to move by changing my position. I can tell that he's starting to get cramped up in there because his movements feel tighter, if that makes sense. It feels more like he's pushing against me trying to make space for himself, haha. I love feeling all of his movements, though. Even the startling and slightly painful ones ;] A few days ago, CJ got the hiccups at like 4am and actually woke me up! I must've been sleeping very lightly... but man, did it make me laugh! I'm sure this is just the first of many MANY predawn wake up calls from my sweet boy! I doubt the rest of said wake ups will be quite as amusing so I tried to enjoy this one, aha. Yesterday, I was texting with Jacob and CJ had the hiccups. Once they went away, little man decided to throw a victory dance party! Not even kidding! I sat there for like 5 minutes recording my belly so Jake could see all the crazy movements (side note- thank God for iPhones and the ability to text/picture & video message my hubby from thousands of miles away!!). Once Camden finally stopped dancing and decided to settle down, he got the hiccups AGAIN! Oh man, I was cracking up!! My crazy little baby bear! He makes me smile on a daily basis. I cannot wait to see what all these little wiggles and movements look like when he's out of my tummy. I swear I'm just going to stare at him ALL the time!
Gender: BOY <3 <3 <3
Emotions and experiences this week: This week felt pretty "blah" to me. I started the week off with a pretty nasty chest cold. No fun. So I rested and drank tons and tons andddd tons of water! Plus some decaf tea with honey, yum. That helped to flush it out of my system, I think. I started feeling better on Wednesday and now I'm basically 100% minus a little lingering cough. The tail end of my week was great! I got to spend some time with two great friends, bake cake pops and have an IHOP date. It was much needed! Then I went out to dinner with a new friend on Friday and that was wonderful as well! I've been feeling especially thankful for all of my supportive friends lately. I couldn't get through everything I have going on right now without my amazing friends who have really stepped up to be there and encourage me. You all know who you are and I hope you know how much I appreciate each and every one of you! Other than all that mushiness... I am in FULL baby mode! I've been nesting and doing so much to get ready for baby bear's arrival! I've read a lottt about labor and delivery and I'm finally feeling pretty good about that. I'm working on my birth plan and I'm in the process of looking for a doula. I know what I want my birthing experience to be like and I'm praying that it all works out. I've read so much that I have a really good idea of what to expect, barring some sort of crazy unpredictable and rare emergency. I've read about regular/medicated births, natural/drug free births, C-sections... I've just been trying to learn as much as I possibly can. That has helped me feel good about my decision and a lot less nervous about the whole birthing experience. Also, I spent a day this week going through all the baby clothes I have for CJ- sorting, washing, drying and reorganizing them. It feels good to have all his clothes ready to go! But, in the process of doing this, I realized that I only had one newborn sized outfit! I mostly bought bigger stuff in case the newborn things wouldn't fit but my OB thinks that Camden will be a little baby- like 6 pounds- so he's probably going to need some smaller clothes... Needless to say, that was the perfect excuse for me to buy him a few absolutely adorable newborn sleep and plays! Hehe. I didn't buy much because I know he'll probably outgrow them fast but I also know that I'm going to want some easy one-piece outfits for his first few days. I also started packing my hospital bag this week! I did a lot of research on what nurses and moms recommend bringing and formed my own list based on that research. My mom bought me a beautiful Vera Bradley bag that I'm going to use as a baby/diaper/hospital bag. I'll probably do a blog on my hospital bag once it's all packed and set to go. I have a lot of it ready, I just haven't packed my clothes yet and I need to pick up a few travel size toiletries for convenience. But it feels good to be prepared a little more in that area. I'm working on getting insurance and a pediatrician figured out for babyboy, too. That's a little more stressful. I do wish Jake was here to help me with some of this stuff, but he has been amazingly supportive! I'm so thankful that he's there to listen to me rant and think out loud and just talk about all this baby stuff. He truly is my rock! Even from so very far away! So, like I said, I'm feeling pretty good about this whole l&d thing! I'm ready. I feel ready. I want to soak up the rest of my pregnancy because I'm sure I'll miss it but at the same time I'm very ready for Camden to arrive!
Looking forward to: Pretty much the same as I said last week- Bruins games and my baby shower. I have a prenatal appointment this week so I'm looking forward to that, too! It should be uneventful but I love hearing his heartbeat and being reassured that everything is on track. Of course I'm also looking forward to Camden's arrival and Jacob's return home!! I can't wait to have both my guys with me! :D
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