Wednesday, March 13, 2013

40 Weeks!

How far along? 40 weeks & 3 days!!! Little man is overdue! 
How big is baby estimated to be? Still around the size of a large watermelon, I guess? Come out so we can know for sure, Camden!! ;]
Total weight gain: I may have broken the 19lbs gained mark and be up by a whole 21lbs at this point! My weigh in at the doctor's office this morning had me at 145lbs. So that would put me +21lbs. I'm not surprised- Jake and I have been eating really well since he got home, haha.  
Wearing maternity clothes? Yes. Still a few regular items mixed in there. But a lot of my regular tops don't fit anymore. I tried to squeeze into a few this week and it just didn't work. Too short. Oh well. I might as well wear the maternity clothes I have since I won't be needing them much longer at all!
Symptoms this week: Still having contractions off and on. Nothing really consistent. I've given up timing them. I figure, I'm not going to miss labor by not paying attention to every contraction. So why drive myself nuts by timing them only to have them disappear?! I'll realize it when they're steady and close together. So for now I'm just ignoring what I can. And I can now officially say that I have started to enter the "uncomfortable" phase, haha. Don't hate me, all you preggers who were uncomfortable for weeks on end! And seriously, it isn't that bad. My back has been stiff- I've been getting back cramps. I hope that means labor is near. Still struggling with some insomnia. Though having my husband next to me helps exponentially! It's incredible how well I sleep in his arms. For real. So overall, pregnancy life is still good! :]
Food cravings: My appetite has been weird lately... I've had some nasty nausea! Not like "I'm going to throw up" nausea; more like "I don't even want to think about eating anything" nausea. It's been pretty bad. So I've been eating a lot of lighter things, for the most part. Yogurt, apples with peanut butter, cereal.. Jake and I have had some really yummy meals this week, though! When my appetite isn't being finicky I eat really well!
Food aversions: I can't think of anything... 
Any movement from baby? Yeah man! He's still kicking and wiggling around in there! He's tight on space, but that just means I get more funny shapes out of my stomach, haha. I love when he's wiggly at night and Jake gets to lay beside me with his hands on my tummy... gosh, it makes me smile just thinking about it! We both love feeling CJ move!
Gender: Little man!! <3 
Emotions and experiences this week: It was such a good week!! I love having Jacob home!! Seriously. LOVE. And that is an understatement!! It's just so amazing to share this last bit of my pregnancy with him. And I'll tell you what, he is amazing!! He painted my toe nails since I have a really hard time reaching them these days :] What a sweetheart to take the time to give me a pedicure! He also ties my shoes for me. And helps me get up when I find myself struggling off the couch or out of bed. And makes sure I eat good meals. And just spoils me in general. He's so good to me!! Being a military wife, I'm pretty used to being self-sufficient but it's really, really great to have my hubby here to take care of me during these last few days/weeks of my pregnancy! It's nice to have him at my prenatal appointments again as well! At my appointment today we found out that I am 70% effaced and 3cm dilated! Last week I was 50% and 2cm. Yay for progress! The doctor also stripped my membranes this morning and said that can jump-start labor! She said sometimes within 24hrs labor will begin. I'm really hoping that's true and my labor starts soon!! I'm starting to feel really ready to hold our babyboy in my arms instead of my tummy. I don't mind that he's already late and I'd be fine with him being a St. Patrick's Day baby like Jake wants ;] but I'm getting anxious and super excited for his arrival! All along I was hoping he'd be late so that he would be as young as possible when Jake got home. Now that Jake is home already I'm pretty much ready for Camden to come! I'm still nervous... but gosh, I can't wait to meet our baby!! On Sunday night we thought CJ might be making his grand entrance really soon. I had some leakage and thought maybe my water had broken. I called my doctor's office and the on-call doctor told me to come in and be checked, so that's what we did. Turns out it was a false alarm and apparently it's normal to have small gushes of fluid that aren't amniotic fluid. I didn't think that happened but whatever! I was honestly super relieved that it wasn't my water! I want to labor at home and have as natural of a birth as possible and I knew that if that was my water I'd end up getting induced if I didn't go into labor within 24 hours. I DO NOT was to be induced! No no no thank you! So I felt a little dumb for going in to get checked when it was really nothing but I'm glad to know for sure that it wasn't my water rupturing. One good thing about our triage visit- we had an ultrasound to check the fluid around Camden and Jake and I got to see his little foot! He kicks my right side alllllll the time. You can pinch his foot or push it back in and he'll stick it out in the same general area again. It's cute and he does it all the time. So while we were getting the ultrasound done CJ decided he didn't like it and literally kicked the transmitter thingy while it was pressed against my right side. Jake and I both caught the glimpse of his foot- so clear and perfect! That was cool. And rather funny. It was especially nice since Jake hasn't been home for an ultrasound since September. I guess that was the little silver lining of our triage visit this time. But man, next time I'm in the hospital I am not leaving without my baby out of my belly! Haha. 
Looking forward to: At this point, I'm just anxiously waiting for Camden's arrival!! So many emotions. Mostly excitement, though. Lots of excitement! I have an ultrasound scheduled on Friday afternoon if I'm still pregnant. I'm hoping I'm not, though! I'd love to have CJ this week. I was hoping for a 3/13/13 birthday but no such luck with that. Maybe he will be our St. Patty's Day baby after all! I just hope he comes on his own very soon!

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