Camden's first month milestones-
- Camden had his first pediatrician appointment on March 21st. I was excited to find out that my old pediatrician would accept Camden as a new patient even though he was technically accepting new patients at the time. Even though he was on vacation for the first two weeks, I was happy to know that Camden would have a good pediatrician. At this first appointment our little man weighed in at 7lbs 1oz. When he was discharged from the hospital three days prior he weighed 6lbs 6oz- quite the weight gain! They also told us his length at this visit- I think it was 20 inches but I'm not entirely sure.
- Camden went through "cluster feeding" for awhile after birth. I put the term in quotes because that's what the doctors called his nursing schedule; but I assumed it was his natural demand/appetite because it lasted awhile. He nursed every 1-1.5 hours for most of his first month. Just recently did he start going longer between feedings.
- Camden had his second pediatrician visit on March 28th, where he weighed in at 7lbs 15oz! Another 14oz gained in just one week!
- We brought Camden to church for the first time on Easter Sunday, March 31st. He was an angel through the whole service- he slept on my chest and didn't make a peep until the closing prayer. I also made Camden his first Easter basket this year! And we took our first nice family picture (nice in that we weren't in the hospital or looking like a mess, haha).
- Camden's umbilical cord stump fell off sometime around March 26th-27th. I don't remember exactly because it was the middle of the night and I was rather confused at first when I found the little stump piece on my glider, haha. Needless to say, he got his first real bath shortly after that happened.
- Jacob fed Camden his first bottle on April 5th (not formula- pumped breast milk).
- Camden started with nightly fussy fits at three weeks. He gets fussy and cries inconsolably sometime between 1-5am. Sometimes it lasts just half an hour, other times it's hours on end. We're still dealing with this the best we can and figuring out how to console him.
- Camden had his one month check up on April 16th. He finally met his pediatrician and was a champ through the whole appointment. He weighed in at 9lbs 15oz and measured 21 3/4 inches! That means he gained 2 pounds in as many weeks and grew by 2 inches since birth. This little guy is growing and changing so fast!!
It's so crazy to look at Camden and see how different he is from when he was born! He's gotten so much bigger, he has a baby face instead of a newborn face, most of his hair has fallen out (that actually makes me really sad! I loved his fuzzy little baby hairs!). The itty bitty newborn that I brought home from the hospital has changed into this adorable little baby. Right before my eyes! I swear I fall in love with him a little more everyday. I could just stare at him and hold him all day. All. Day. It's so fun to watch him learn new things, like holding his head up. His neck is getting so strong! He gets held all the time around here, between me, Jacob, my parents, and my brothers, someone is almost always holding Camden (which he loves! This boy loves being held). And lots of times he gets held chest-to-chest. Now that his neck is stronger he'll pull his head back and look at our faces, then bonk his head right back down. We all joke that Camden likes to headbutt us, haha. It's so cute though.
This month has truly been amazing and life-changing. Not only was Camden born but so was my identity as a mother. And I'll tell you what, motherhood has already taught me so much. It has been extremely difficult at times but it is incredibly fulfilling and worthwhile! Here are some of the things I've learned this month-
- You can never have enough arms and hands. Seriously though. I wish I was like octo-mom or something. I'm sure this desire for more arms/hands will only grow stronger as Camden grows older, too. Two hands just doesn't seem like enough these days. Which brings me to my next lesson...
- Baby carriers/wraps/slings are wonderful. I have just recently discovered the joys of the Moby Wrap. Camden didn't like it the first time we tried it but he was a fan the second time. After I got him situated and he was nice and content my mom asked me what I was going to do now and I proudly declared that I was going to make myself a sandwich (side note- so happy to be able to eat lunchmeat again! I sure did miss ham and turkey sandwiches!). I think my Moby Wrap will be my new best friend and will allow me to at least have my two hands free to get some things done (though I could still use more hands).
- When Camden is hungry I will do whatever it takes to feed him. Even if this means pulling over into a Dunkin Donuts parking lot and climbing in the backseat. Or standing in a restroom. That hungry cry just does something to me and I have to feed him. Right away.
- When Camden is fussy and I'm trying everything I can think of to calm him down he will inevitably enjoy the movement that is the most tiring and difficult to do repetitively the most. Being raised slowly overhead and then returned slowly to my lap? Favorite. I'll chalk it up as part of my upper body workout for the day, I guess. My poor arms. Yet another example of how multiple arms/hands would be useful.
- When a meal is actually cooked and I finally sit down to eat, Camden will suddenly be ready to eat too. He has a sixth sense for my mealtimes. It's like he's going "hey, you're eating, I want to eat too!" Stinker. Also on that note, cereal is a totally acceptable dinner. Sometimes that's all we have energy for and that's okay.
- Sleep isn't the most important thing. Even though it's really rough to be so tired and sleep deprived, Camden is worth every minute of lost sleep. I cherish the middle of the night snuggles when he falls asleep on my chest after nursing. It's so special! I try to remind myself that this phase will be over before I know it and I'll miss these days. I'll enjoy getting more sleep in the future but right now tending to my little man is most important and I'm happy to nurture him the best I can.
- A mother's love is amazing. It is intense, ferocious even. Words cannot describe the depth of love I have for this baby. He has quickly become the center of my world and I wouldn't have it any other way! Camden makes me want to be the best person, the best mother, possible. I see hope and the brightest future in his eyes. He inspires me to do my best everyday in every facet of my life. He also reminds me of the unfathomable love of my Heavenly Father. It's impossible to comprehend the fact that God loves me more than I love my baby. Or even that He loves Camden more than I do! His love is truly amazing and I'm so thankful that I am reminded of it everyday when I look at Camden.
There are probably other things I want to document and remember from this first month but I can't think of them right now. So I might add to this post later but for now I'll leave you with some adorable pictures of my little man :]

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