How big is baby estimated to be? The size of a naval orange :]
Total weight gain: About 1 1/2 to 2 pounds. Like I said before, my weight tends to fluctuate a bit so there are some mornings I barely weigh more than I did pre-pregnancy and others that I weigh a pound or two more. I think my doctor's official count is 2lbs, though.
Wearing maternity clothes? Nope. My bump is still so little! I've been teased that I don't even look pregnant. I did, however, score some awesome clearance maternity clothes at Target this past week! That made me happy!
Symptoms this week: I actually had a little nausea this week! Nothing bad at all but enough to make me take a nap. Other than that, still a lot of dizzy spells. New this week are some little twinges in my stomach. Not painful, just weird.
Food cravings: Still tomatoes! Nothing else I can recall.
Food aversions: None.
Any movement from baby? Well, baby seemed to be wiggling around quite a bit at our appointment this week. I don't know if I'm feeling it yet, though. I say that because I had this weird butterflies feeling in my stomach last night while I was relaxing with Jake. It wasn't like nervous butterflies, just similar in the fluttery feeling. But stronger. I don't know, it's hard to explain! Just something weird I haven't felt or at least haven't noticed before. It could just be some of the weird stomach twinges I've been feeling... I dunno! I can't wait to feel this little one move for sure!!
Gender prediction: Boy still! However, I had this crazy dream that Jake and I were at our gender ultrasound appointment and there were two nurses/techs/whatever-the-people-who-do-ultrasounds-are-called and one told us it was a boy and the other told us it was a girl! I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean but we are both super anxious to find out what we're having!!
Emotions and experiences this week: This week has been wonderful! We had an OB appointment on Friday (technically week 14) where we got to hear baby's heartbeat again! It was the first time that the nurse was able to pick up the heartbeat with the Doppler machine! Literally as soon as she put it down on my stomach we heard baby's heartbeat!! 165, steady and strong! It was awesome. That still gets me! After that appointment we drove to Delaware for Jake's drill. The weekend was relaxing for me while he worked. I woke up feeling pretty crappy on Saturday, though. I strained some sort of a muscle or nerve in my neck working out last week and I woke up in a lot of pain on Saturday. I think driving might have irritated it. Whatever it was, it was not fun! I could barely move neck and arm! The pain went all the way down my right side from my jawbone to my armpit/bicep. Putting my arms over my head (like to wash my hair) sent a super sharp pain darting up and down. Leaning on my arm, turning my head that way or doing anything to pull with or use my right arm caused the same pain. And of course, Tylenol didn't help. Luckily the pain is much better now! It took a few days but it has subsided. As far as emotions, this week has been full of memories. After Jake's drill we decided to spend a few days in Pennsylvania in the same town as our alma mater. I'll tell you what, I love that area! It's so special to Jake and I because it's where we met, dated, fell in love and spent the first two years of our marriage! We visited our alma mater- went to chapel, had a meeting with the president, visited a bunch of staff and faculty members, had lunch in the dining commons. It was wonderful to be back where it all started for us! I got to see my old colleagues and catch up with some of my favorite professors. I just can't explain how nice it was to visit. We also got to do some things in the area that we enjoy- eat at some of our favorite local joints, visit the park, try out a restaurant we wanted to go to the whole time we were here but never did. We just did whatever we felt like doing! We got to relax and enjoy a lot of time together. It was a perfect little getaway for the two of us. Just a few days away together to reminisce and make some new memories here. I've been very happy and relaxed. The reality of the deployment sets in more every day but I'm trying not to dwell on it. If I do I just can't help but cry. So I don't want to think about it yet. Even though it's always on the back of my mind. When it comes to that, my emotions are all over the place. We're focusing on the positives (he'll be in a safe location, he'll have wifi, homecoming will be amazing). For now, we continue to enjoy every second together!
Looking forward to: Finding out baby's gender!!! It's basically all Jake and I have been talking about lately, haha. Even though we aren't anxious for that particular date because it means he leaves soon, we're both excited to find out if baby is a boy or a girl! We're hoping and praying that baby cooperates so we can find out. I'll be pretty devastated if we can't. I tried not to get my hopes up too much since I know we might not be able to find out, but I couldn't help it! I'm so excited to know! I'm also still excited to watch my belly grow! My bump has definitely become more visible over the past few weeks but I still don't really look pregnant. I want to look pregnant! Haha. Other than that, I'm just looking forward to spending as much time with my love as I can before he has to leave.
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