Tuesday, September 25, 2012

16 Weeks

How far along? I'm not exactly sure at this point... I was measuring small at my ultrasound so my due date looks like it's going to be a little later. I should be around 16 weeks and a few days. We'll find out for sure in a couple weeks!16ish weeks!
How big is baby estimated to be? Not sure... I'll update when I know what week this is, haha.
Total weight gain: Approximately 3lbs. from 124-127lbs
Wearing maternity clothes? Nope. All of my clothes still fit! Some of my jeans feel a little snug, but everything still fits. I'm anxious to actually get into my cute maternity clothes!
Symptoms this week: I had that sharp side pain again this past week. It just came out of nowhere while I was prepping/cooking mine & Jake's early Thanksgiving dinner. It was still on my right side but it seemed a little higher up this time. I laid down on my left side and drank some water and that helped a little bit. Until I got back up, ha. Other than that, lots of dizziness today! I woke up to a spinning room- no fun. Also, my appetite has been extremely finicky! I'm really stressed this week so that has been killing my appetite. But I also seem to have a lot of new aversions. Nothing super strong just lots of things I usually like sound gross to me. Still waking up with a stuffy nose. I think that's it. I still feel good overall :]
Food cravings: Roasted red pepper hummus & pretzels! YUM. I can't get enough!! I've also been looooving Wawa coffee (3/4 decaf, 1/4 french vanilla, with fat free french vanilla creamer and skim milk). I think that's just because I can't get Wawa in MA so I'm taking advantage of it while I'm in Delaware. Haha. 
Food aversions: Basically feels like everything this week. It's not that anything makes me sick, it's just that nothing sounds appetizing to me. 
Any movement from baby? I've felt some little bubbly, goldfish like feelings in my tummy a lot in the evenings. I think that's baby! I can't wait to feel a kick or something!
Gender: Boy!!! We're both so so excited about our little man!! Camden Jacob <3 
Emotions and experiences this week: Gosh. This is such a loaded question this week. Jake is getting ready to deploy so I'm a hot mess. I think I'll just leave it at that. It was super exciting to find out baby's gender together this week! It was really special to be able to do that together. At the same time, it was extremely bittersweet. That was our last appointment together and the last time Jake gets to see Camden via ultrasound in person. Next time he sees Camden he'll be outside of my tummy! That's exciting to think about but still really sad... Gah. Hot mess. 
Looking forward to: Ummm. Not to sound really depressing but I don't have much to look forward to after Jake leaves... I guess the next thing I'm looking forward to is finding out my new, official due date! I have an OB appointment on October 10th when I should find out. It'll be nice to know how far along I really am and when Camden should be making his grand entrance!


  1. I loveeee reading your posts each week! You will have to let me know when you get back to MA. I would love to have dinner with you :)

  2. Thanks, dear!! I'm back in MA now and don't have much going on until later this month. I'd love to do dinner sometime! :]
