How far along? 35 weeks!
How big is baby estimated to be? Approximately the size of a coconut or a large cantaloupe... At my ultrasound last week I was told that he weighs about 5 pounds now! I know that isn't exact and they could be wrong but it's nice to know that he's growing like he should be!
Total weight gain: Officially up to 19lbs gained. I weighed in at 143lbs at my prenatal appointment this week. Granted, I had just eaten three bowls of salad and one bowl of soup from Olive Garden then washed it down with 30oz of water... but that's my official weigh-in! Haha. I feel like my stomach is growing a lot these days but my weight isn't climbing too drastically. My OB told me that I'm small but I'm still right on track. It's nice to know that she isn't concerned about my weight after the friendly advice of my gyno at my last visit, haha.
Wearing maternity clothes? Still a mix. Gosh, I'm starting to think I'll never be fully dressing in maternity clothes! Regular shirts are getting more and more snug as my bump grows so I've been wearing maternity tops a little more. But I'm still carrying pretty high so my regular pants all still fit (don't hate!) and I'm taking full advantage of that, haha. I have a pair of Lucky Brand jeans that are my absolute favorite lately! They aren't too tight but they aren't saggy in the butt either (like my maternity pants tend to be after wearing them all day). I can button and zip them still (as I can with all my pants) but I've been doing the hair-tie trick to give myself a little extra room. If someone had told me 25 weeks ago that I would still be wearing so much of my "normal" stuff right now, I wouldn't have believed them. Seriously. I had no idea I'd get such little use out of maternity clothes! I'm glad I didn't buy much at all. My maternity leggings from the Gap were, by far, my best maternity clothes investment. I'm sure I'll wear those after Camden is here, too.
Wearing maternity clothes? Still a mix. Gosh, I'm starting to think I'll never be fully dressing in maternity clothes! Regular shirts are getting more and more snug as my bump grows so I've been wearing maternity tops a little more. But I'm still carrying pretty high so my regular pants all still fit (don't hate!) and I'm taking full advantage of that, haha. I have a pair of Lucky Brand jeans that are my absolute favorite lately! They aren't too tight but they aren't saggy in the butt either (like my maternity pants tend to be after wearing them all day). I can button and zip them still (as I can with all my pants) but I've been doing the hair-tie trick to give myself a little extra room. If someone had told me 25 weeks ago that I would still be wearing so much of my "normal" stuff right now, I wouldn't have believed them. Seriously. I had no idea I'd get such little use out of maternity clothes! I'm glad I didn't buy much at all. My maternity leggings from the Gap were, by far, my best maternity clothes investment. I'm sure I'll wear those after Camden is here, too.
Symptoms this week: I think the third trimester fatigue is finally setting in. Sigh. I was doing so good for awhile! But this past week, I couldn't sleep enough. My mom and I spent allllll day on Wednesday out and about doing things- lunch at Olive Garden, both my appointments, and tons of errands to get ready for my baby shower- literally 11 hours! By the time we got home my feet were killing me and I was ready to crash! I'm talking zombie mode. I don't usually get like that after a long day! It's hard for me to slow down and realize that it's okay to sleep extra. I feel so lazy when I sleep so much! But if that's what Camden needs then I'll do it for him. Otherwise, I'm feeling good! Not uncomfortable yet. Finally sleeping better. Still having Braxton Hicks- and they seem to be getting a little stronger these days! But still very sporadic so I'm not concerned about them. Overall I am still feeling great and loving being pregnant!! (Am I that annoying peppy pregnant woman that all unhappy pregnant women want to slap now? Sorry!)
Food cravings: You know what, I didn't have any strong cravings this week! Still eating a lot of yogurt and oatmeal. Oh, I did take to eating applesauce this week. The natural stuff with no sugar and crap added. I sprinkle some cinnamon on top and heat it up in the microwave. Yum. I prefer real apples but they're all squishy now with peak apple season being over.
Food aversions: Nothing! Camden and I like to eat, haha.
Any movement from baby? Yes!! He's still very active! He's still giving me lots of rib kicks, thanks to being head down. He doesn't get the hiccups quite as often lately but I still feel them from time to time. He likes to be on the right side of my stomach so I get a lot of movement over there... He likes to make this nice round bulge with his little knee. It looks so funny. Usually I press the bulge back in and he wiggles all over the place! Also, I'm pretty sure I've already made a country music fan out of him! :D Whenever I put my country music on loud, he wiggles. Yeah, he's going to be the cutest little dancing country boy. I'm soaking up all the movement I'm feeling because I know that he'll be here so soon and I'll miss all of this.
Gender: Our perfect baby boy<3
Emotions and experiences this week: I had a prenatal appointment and (what should be) our final ultrasound this week!! The appointment went well. I had tons of questions for my OB since I've been reading so much lately. She's so awesome and answered them all. I'm so happy with my doctor! I really like her a lot. She's so laid back, she never rushes through my appointments, she takes time to actually sit down and connect with me and she answers all my questions, even the most silly ones. So that was a good appointment! Then on to my ultrasound! I was sooooo excited for that!! I hadn't seen little man since October so I was anxious to get another peak at him! He has grown so much!! He's head down and looks good. He was measuring accurate to my due date of March 10th so it looks like that is still my due date. He was being super active while I sat in the waiting room (for almost an hour!) but decided it was sleepy time when we finally got in there. He sleeps like his Daddy- with his hands up by his face :] So it was difficult to get a good view of his face. The ultrasound tech put the machine on 3D to try and get us a glimpse of CJ's face so having his hands in the way made that difficult. We were poking my belly, having me lay on my side, cough, go pee, basically anything we could to get him to move his hands! This little boy sure has liked showing us his hands! All along, we've seen his little hands in our ultrasounds, haha. We finally got him to move them for a minute and got one beautiful 3D shot of his perfect little face!! Oh my gosh, I can't even tell you how excited I was to see that picture!!! I could've stared at it for the rest of the day. I'm not even kidding. He looks a lot like Jacob!! I can't wait to see that beautiful face in person! But it was awesome to see it on the ultrasound! We got a few other pictures, too. In one of the pictures, CJ is sucking on the back of his hand! It's basically the cutest thing ever, lol. I know, I'm biased but I'm allowed to be. This little guy is definitely going to be a thumb sucker. Jake told me that he was a thumb sucker so I guess he really is going to be just like Daddy! In another picture he's sucking on his pointer finger, haha. So maybe he won't be a thumb sucker, per se, more like a hand sucker. Lol. Hopefully this means he'll be good at latching on! Mommy can hope, right? Haha. No matter what, my heart fills with more love for Camden every single day. I love being pregnant. I have thoroughly enjoyed carrying this amazing blessing. And as much as I know I'll miss this time, I really can't wait to hold my baby. The closer we get to his due date the more excited I am! It feels surreal that he's due so soon. Just 5 weeks!! It's crazy! But I'm so excited! I can't wait to love on my little boy. I can't wait to learn all about him and figure out how to be the best Mommy possible to him. I'm so excited for this new chapter!! I thought I would be more scared at this point but I honestly feel so ready to be a mom! I mean, I still have quite a few things to do before I'm really ready for him to be here, but I feel a lot more confident about it all then I expected I would. Not much longer now!
Looking forward to: My baby shower on Saturday!! It's going to be SO FUN! My mom and I have been in full-on planning and preparation mode this week and it has made me that much more excited! Our menu is set, we have almost all the supplies, we've done a lot of cool DIY projects... It's going to be so fun! And I can't wait to see all my friends and family! Especially the ones I haven't seen in awhile. Of course, like always, I'm looking forward to our countdown getting smaller! I've been daydreaming a lot lately about how utterly amazing it's going to be to have my husband AND our baby here. Gosh, I think my heart might burst the first time I see my two guys together!! I'm not even kidding. Just picturing it in my head makes me smile so big and tear up! It's going to be perfect. This new chapter of our lives is going to be challenging and crazy but gosh, I can't imagine sharing this incredible experience with anyone else. I'm so blessed to have a husband who is truly my other half and who is constantly supportive and encouraging. He is going to be the best Daddy! And I can't wait to watch it happen! :D
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