How far along? 37 weeks! Full term!
How big is baby estimated to be? Uhhh, he's the size of a small baby ;] lol. I guess he's about the size of a watermelon. The Bump says the size of a wintermelon, whatever that is! I'm assuming he's close to 6lbs now...
Total weight gain: I'm still hanging right around 20lbs gained- up to 144lbs. I'll get a new official count at my prenatal appointment this week.
Wearing maternity clothes? Yet again, as always, a mix of maternity and regular clothes. Mostly maternity pants at this point, although my regular jeans still fit since I haven't dropped yet. But I'm wearing a lot of regular tops these days. I've found that if I buy tops in just a size larger than I usually wear, they fit my baby bump quite well! Then I can wear them postpartum as trendy slouchy shirts. Right? I've also been taking advantage of Jake's clothes for bumming around the house :]
Wearing maternity clothes? Yet again, as always, a mix of maternity and regular clothes. Mostly maternity pants at this point, although my regular jeans still fit since I haven't dropped yet. But I'm wearing a lot of regular tops these days. I've found that if I buy tops in just a size larger than I usually wear, they fit my baby bump quite well! Then I can wear them postpartum as trendy slouchy shirts. Right? I've also been taking advantage of Jake's clothes for bumming around the house :]
Symptoms this week: Feeling good still! The only discomfort is that Camden has learned how to pinch a nerve in my left hip and give me this nasty Charlie horse-like cramp/pain. That isn't too fun. But at the same time it's not awful. And it gives me a chance to learn what makes it feel better and cope with the pain. So I can't really complain. Other than that, I've been having more Braxton Hicks contractions. And they're stronger! Not really painful but I did have one that startled me this week. I'm glad my body is practicing. What else... oh, I'm pretty sure my hormones have reached max capacity, haha. I have cried so much this week! It's ridiculous. I have been feeling a little stressed/overwhelmed with things- having Jacob away has been really tough recently. It's hard to figure out all this stuff to get ready for CJ on my own. I know if he was home he would be super involved in everything because that's the kind of guy he is. So it's hard on both of us that he's deployed right now and not really able to actively participate in everything. So a lot of my tears shed have been over that, which is understandable I guess. But other than that, sometimes I just start crying out of nowhere! And I couldn't even explain why I'm crying! It's weird, aha. That's about it for the pregnancy symptoms, though! Besides some fatigue. I'm starting to feel pretty exhausted and in need of extra sleep. But I still feel great in general!
Food cravings: I didn't have any strong craving this week either... Aside from coffee, haha. But that's just because I've been feeling that third trimester fatigue. And don't worry, I just drink decaf or half caf. And I don't do more than two cups a day. I can't think of any strong cravings otherwise.
Food aversions: Nothing!
Any movement from baby? Yes! He's still an active little guy! Lots of wiggles, funny bulges, and rib kicks. His movements feel different now that he's bigger and cramped but I still feel him moving around quite a bit!
Gender: Perfect baby boy! <3
Emotions and experiences this week: This week was somewhat busy and a little emotional for me (thank you, pregnancy hormones!). Like I mentioned in my previous post, I had a breastfeeding class, meeting with my doula, and prenatal appointment over the past week. Plus the adventure to track down my glider... Other than that stuff, my mom and I spent some time out and about running errands and picking up the last few things I needed for Camden. We didn't get a carseat/stroller set or a pack and play so I had to pick those things up. Then there were a few smaller things I wanted/we needed- some receiving blankets, burp clothes, diaper pail refills, more diapers and wipes... I was stressing a little about making sure we have everything we need but now I feel sooo much better! I was able to get a really nice carseat and stroller set at Babies R Us with a 20% off coupon! It's a Chicco. Although it wasn't the Chicco pattern Jake and I had wanted it was cheaper so that's good. I also got the base installed in my car! That was pretty exciting :D And I got the pack and play put together and some more laundry washed for baby boy. It was a productive week! But at the same time, getting all these things ready made me face the fact that Camden is going to be here so soon and Jake isn't. It's rough. Hence the emotional aspect of this week. Overall it was a good week, though! I'm happy that little man is coming soon, I really am! I'm so excited to hold him and see his perfect little face... but it's overwhelming at the same time! And still kind of surreal to me. But I'm very blessed so I can't really complain.
Looking forward to: My birthday next week! And just continuing to lessen our countdown. We're down to the wire now! :D
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