Friday, March 22, 2013

Camden's Birth Story

My memory of Camden's birth is already starting to get a little fuzzy so I'm going to try and record it the best that I can. It's going to be long and detailed because I want to remember everything about this life-changing event. It also might get a little graphic, for those of you who would rather not read the grizzly details. Here we go!

I was having contractions when I went to bed on Thursday night (March 14th). They weren't very strong or consistent so I ignored them. I had been getting contractions off and on like this for about two weeks so I figured they'd go away while I slept, like all the others. Well, Friday morning (March 15th) rolled around and my contractions were strong enough to wake me up. Luckily I had slept about 7 hours so I was still feeling good. I started timing my contractions around 9am and they were 8-10 minutes apart. At that point I had a strong feeling that this was it- I was in labor. I woke Jake up and told him that I thought we'd be having a baby that day and then told him to sleep as much as he could. Like I said, I still felt good at this point so I had some breakfast and took a shower. I was determined to labor at home for as long as possible so that's exactly what I did. Around noon my contractions were down to 5 minutes apart. I got in touch with my doula and called my doctor's office. The office was closed for a meeting so I waited an hour to call back. By then my contractions were consistently 3 1/2-4 minutes apart and I was told to head in to labor and delivery. My doula, Stefanie, met us at the house and followed us to the hospital. We left the house right around 2pm. I was still feeling pretty good at this point- active labor was really just starting. I did cry when we got out into the car and all set to go. The reality of the situation really hit me then and I was overwhelmed! I felt excited, nervous, in disbelief- a big range of emotions going on. 

So we got to the hospital and l&d was really busy. We waited in the hallway for half an hour before I was even able to check in (a little frustrating considering I was pre-registered and the only one waiting who was in active labor). A nurse brought me back to a triage bed to be evaluated and Jake went with me since they would only allow one other person in the tiny room. They checked my cervix and told me I was 4-5cm dilated and they wanted me to walk around for an hour to see if I made any progress. So Jake and I roamed the halls for awhile hoping to speed my labor up a bit. This part went by pretty quickly for me- walking felt good and Stefanie taught Jake how to do counter-pressure on my hips during a contraction which was my best friend at this point (and up until the end, really). This is when things start to get a little fuzzy... I remember seeing my actual OB since she was working l&d that day. I think she checked me and said I was 6cm and she could feel my bag of water. I got my IV of penicillin for my GBS and was officially admitted. We waited a little while for an actual room but once we got in there my contractions were strong and pretty painful. My labor nurse was great, though, and got me hooked up to wireless monitors so I could still move around while they kept an eye on Camden's heart rate. I know at this point I settled into a really good rhythm for handling contractions- I would stand and rock back and forth, leaning forward on Jake while Stefanie applied counter-pressure to my hips. I got through the majority of my contractions this way. Standing felt the best for me then. After monitoring Camden for a bit and getting my penicillin I was released from the IV and monitors to get in the shower. I'll tell you what, I've never loved hot water more in my life than I did while I was in labor! It was wonderful. Jake was such a trooper and climbed in the shower with me (I'm so glad I packed him a hospital bag equipped with swim trunks!) and held me up through the contractions. He was really an amazing coach through the entire process. He would guide my breathing, encourage me, tell me when I was on the downside of a contractions, and do anything else that helped me. It was honestly incredible how in-tune he was to my pain and my needs. He amazed me! It was great to have him there to support me throughout the entire experience. 

At this point, my labor stalled a little. I was in a pretty significant amount of pain and it seemed like this part lasted forever. I remember the anesthesiologist coming in and talking to me about an epidural, which I refused. I planned to have a completely drug-free, natural birth. And everyone knew that since my birth plan was in my chart. However, it's hospital protocol to have the anesthesiologist explain all the pain meds and have me sign a consent form in case there's an emergency. I was sitting down at this point and getting monitored again while I got my second round of penicillin (it has to be given every four hours and that much time had elapsed since my first dose). I remember my contractions really starting to get hard to handle at this point. I was having bad back labor which raised some concerns about Camden possibly being face up. So I labored in an all fours position for awhile because Stefanie explained to me how that can sometimes help baby turn face down. I also had a little breakdown around this time- I was feeling overwhelmed like I couldn't do this anymore. That was the one and only time I cried through my whole labor and delivery. I was checked around this time, too, and told I was 8cm dilated (we blamed transition for the water-works). After I finished my penicillin I got back in the shower. I still felt best standing up at this point, even though my feet were starting to get really sore as we rounded 8 hours of active labor. The hot water still helped a lot and Jake was awesome with helping me through this really strong contractions. After maybe 20 minutes I was feeling a lot of pressure in my bottom. Jake told the nurse and she had me get out of the shower since feeling pressure like that means we're getting really close to pushing. Now at this point the pain was basically excruciating. I actually bit Jake's shoulder during a contraction, haha. That's super funny looking back but at the time I was just in so much pain that I didn't know what to do. I didn't bite him hard, don't worry. The doctor checked my cervix again and told me I was at 9 1/2cm and was almost ready to push. My water still hadn't ruptured at this point so we elected to have them break it for me. Well, I couldn't make a decision at this point so Jake made the decision to have it broken and I'm glad he did. It was just a matter of a couple contractions after that and I felt the urge to push. I think they had me wait a couple more contractions, checked me again and I was finally 10cm and +1. 

I originally wanted to push from a squatting position so the bed was set up with the bar to do so. But when I was ready to push I did NOT want to be sitting up. I did squat for a couple contractions but I just couldn't maintain that position for pushing. I tried at one point and it just wasn't happening. So I pushed from a seated position, which was much better for me. I did end up reclining progressively as I pushed since the labor nurse told me that would be best. At that point I was just going along with however I was instructed. Anyways, I started pushing at 12:01am (March 16th). I was really glad that no one was doing the obnoxious counting to ten thing while pushing. That's annoying. I pushed three times per contractions, sometimes four times. I remember being so zoned in that I really couldn't even talk. Luckily Jake was so in-tune to me that all I had to do was look at him and he knew another contraction was coming and I needed to push. He kept a cold washcloth on my head between contractions and took it off before I pushed. I don't remember a whole lot during this time besides a lot of pain and pressure and the coaching of Jake, Stefanie and my labor nurse. Before I knew it the nurse was calling in the doctors because Camden was starting to crown! Jake and I were both able to feel a little spot on his head and that was just incredible! I remember thinking "he's right there! I'm going to get him out!". I kept pushing the best I could and next thing I knew, at 1:18am, Camden's little head emerged and out slid the rest of his body! Because of the semi-reclined seated position I was in I was actually able to watch Camden be born! It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life. I was in this state of total awe and disbelief. I was SO overcome with emotions and I really wanted to cry but I couldn't. It was a weird feeling. Camden was placed directly on my chest for skin-to-skin immediately after birth, which was the most important thing I wanted in my birth plan. He cried for like a minute then settled down. Man, just thinking about it makes me tear up! It was unbelievably amazing. Jake and I both just stared at him for about an hour. Amazing. So amazing. Camden was great and even began breastfeeding during our initial skin-to-skin after birth. I think this was super important in establishing breastfeeding because he has been great with it the whole time.

After our hour of skin-to-skin, the nurses took Camden to weigh him and all that good stuff. He weighed in at 6 pounds 12.6 ounces and was 19 3/4 inches long. His 1 & 5 minutes APGAR scores were 8 & 9 respectively. I was happy that they did all of this right in the room next to me. His temperature was a little low so they put him under the warmer for a bit. But overall he was perfect! No jaundice or anything. I wasn't paying much attention to myself at this point but I do remember the doctors being concerned that I was losing a lot of blood. They put me on a round of Pitocin to help my uterus contract and stop the bleeding. I wasn't too thrilled about having more drugs pushed through my IV but we really needed to get the bleeding under control. I also remember the nurse massaging my belly and that hurt. On a happier note this is also when I found out that I hadn't torn at all. Not gonna lie, I was really surprised by that! It hurt so bad to push but since Camden emerged rather slowly everything stretched instead of tearing. And even though I pushed for over an hour the time went by really fast for me. I didn't realize it had been that long! I was so tuned in to every contraction and completely focused that it went by fast for me.

Overall, I had a very positive birth experience. I was able to have a completely natural, drug-free birth like I wanted. I had no medical intervention, aside from the penicillin I had to have and the Pitocin to stop the bleeding after delivery. I didn't even take the Motrin I was offered when we got moved to our recovery room. My labor nurse and the two doctors who delivered Camden were great and followed my birth plan to a T. Even though my regular OB wasn't there to deliver Camden I was happy with the doctors that I had. I could go on and on about the rest of my experience at the hospital but this is already so long that I'm going to stop here. I might write another blog about my first few days postpartum, we'll see. There's just so much that I want to remember about the whole experience! It was good. And I feel really good, better than I expected. I thought I'd be in a lot more pain and just feel crappy but I don't. Even my first day after giving birth, I wasn't in much pain at all. At least not enough to take anything for it. I'm so happy that I want the natural route. I truly think that was the best for me and Camden and I'm very happy with and proud of the birthing experience that we had :]

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

40 Weeks!

How far along? 40 weeks & 3 days!!! Little man is overdue! 
How big is baby estimated to be? Still around the size of a large watermelon, I guess? Come out so we can know for sure, Camden!! ;]
Total weight gain: I may have broken the 19lbs gained mark and be up by a whole 21lbs at this point! My weigh in at the doctor's office this morning had me at 145lbs. So that would put me +21lbs. I'm not surprised- Jake and I have been eating really well since he got home, haha.  
Wearing maternity clothes? Yes. Still a few regular items mixed in there. But a lot of my regular tops don't fit anymore. I tried to squeeze into a few this week and it just didn't work. Too short. Oh well. I might as well wear the maternity clothes I have since I won't be needing them much longer at all!
Symptoms this week: Still having contractions off and on. Nothing really consistent. I've given up timing them. I figure, I'm not going to miss labor by not paying attention to every contraction. So why drive myself nuts by timing them only to have them disappear?! I'll realize it when they're steady and close together. So for now I'm just ignoring what I can. And I can now officially say that I have started to enter the "uncomfortable" phase, haha. Don't hate me, all you preggers who were uncomfortable for weeks on end! And seriously, it isn't that bad. My back has been stiff- I've been getting back cramps. I hope that means labor is near. Still struggling with some insomnia. Though having my husband next to me helps exponentially! It's incredible how well I sleep in his arms. For real. So overall, pregnancy life is still good! :]
Food cravings: My appetite has been weird lately... I've had some nasty nausea! Not like "I'm going to throw up" nausea; more like "I don't even want to think about eating anything" nausea. It's been pretty bad. So I've been eating a lot of lighter things, for the most part. Yogurt, apples with peanut butter, cereal.. Jake and I have had some really yummy meals this week, though! When my appetite isn't being finicky I eat really well!
Food aversions: I can't think of anything... 
Any movement from baby? Yeah man! He's still kicking and wiggling around in there! He's tight on space, but that just means I get more funny shapes out of my stomach, haha. I love when he's wiggly at night and Jake gets to lay beside me with his hands on my tummy... gosh, it makes me smile just thinking about it! We both love feeling CJ move!
Gender: Little man!! <3 
Emotions and experiences this week: It was such a good week!! I love having Jacob home!! Seriously. LOVE. And that is an understatement!! It's just so amazing to share this last bit of my pregnancy with him. And I'll tell you what, he is amazing!! He painted my toe nails since I have a really hard time reaching them these days :] What a sweetheart to take the time to give me a pedicure! He also ties my shoes for me. And helps me get up when I find myself struggling off the couch or out of bed. And makes sure I eat good meals. And just spoils me in general. He's so good to me!! Being a military wife, I'm pretty used to being self-sufficient but it's really, really great to have my hubby here to take care of me during these last few days/weeks of my pregnancy! It's nice to have him at my prenatal appointments again as well! At my appointment today we found out that I am 70% effaced and 3cm dilated! Last week I was 50% and 2cm. Yay for progress! The doctor also stripped my membranes this morning and said that can jump-start labor! She said sometimes within 24hrs labor will begin. I'm really hoping that's true and my labor starts soon!! I'm starting to feel really ready to hold our babyboy in my arms instead of my tummy. I don't mind that he's already late and I'd be fine with him being a St. Patrick's Day baby like Jake wants ;] but I'm getting anxious and super excited for his arrival! All along I was hoping he'd be late so that he would be as young as possible when Jake got home. Now that Jake is home already I'm pretty much ready for Camden to come! I'm still nervous... but gosh, I can't wait to meet our baby!! On Sunday night we thought CJ might be making his grand entrance really soon. I had some leakage and thought maybe my water had broken. I called my doctor's office and the on-call doctor told me to come in and be checked, so that's what we did. Turns out it was a false alarm and apparently it's normal to have small gushes of fluid that aren't amniotic fluid. I didn't think that happened but whatever! I was honestly super relieved that it wasn't my water! I want to labor at home and have as natural of a birth as possible and I knew that if that was my water I'd end up getting induced if I didn't go into labor within 24 hours. I DO NOT was to be induced! No no no thank you! So I felt a little dumb for going in to get checked when it was really nothing but I'm glad to know for sure that it wasn't my water rupturing. One good thing about our triage visit- we had an ultrasound to check the fluid around Camden and Jake and I got to see his little foot! He kicks my right side alllllll the time. You can pinch his foot or push it back in and he'll stick it out in the same general area again. It's cute and he does it all the time. So while we were getting the ultrasound done CJ decided he didn't like it and literally kicked the transmitter thingy while it was pressed against my right side. Jake and I both caught the glimpse of his foot- so clear and perfect! That was cool. And rather funny. It was especially nice since Jake hasn't been home for an ultrasound since September. I guess that was the little silver lining of our triage visit this time. But man, next time I'm in the hospital I am not leaving without my baby out of my belly! Haha. 
Looking forward to: At this point, I'm just anxiously waiting for Camden's arrival!! So many emotions. Mostly excitement, though. Lots of excitement! I have an ultrasound scheduled on Friday afternoon if I'm still pregnant. I'm hoping I'm not, though! I'd love to have CJ this week. I was hoping for a 3/13/13 birthday but no such luck with that. Maybe he will be our St. Patty's Day baby after all! I just hope he comes on his own very soon!

Monday, March 4, 2013

39 Weeks

How far along? 39 weeks & 1 day!  
How big is baby estimated to be? He's around the size of a watermelon or a pumpkin still, I guess. I'm curious to find out how big he is whenever he decides to arrive!
Total weight gain: I'm still hanging around 19lbs gained. My body seems to like being 143lbs right now. 
Wearing maternity clothes? Still just some... Same as usual! I'm going to miss wearing some of my cute maternity clothes after Camden is born! I think I'll keep the leggings out but I know my colored cords won't fit. So I'm trying to wear that stuff now while I still can. 
Symptoms this week: Lots of contractions! I had some on Thursday night that were about 15-20 minutes apart, lasting 40ish seconds for about an hour and a half. Then they got down to 14 minutes apart for another hour or so... Then they disappeared when I got distracted by Jacob's homecoming! They really weren't painful at all. Just mild and uncomfortable. My mom was convinced that I was in labor but I wasn't quite as sure since I really didn't feel bad. If that makes sense, haha. I had more steady contractions about 8.5-10 minutes apart, lasting 40-50 seconds, on Saturday night. But those went away once I went to sleep... It seems like my body can't decide if it wants to have Camden yet or not, lol. Other than the contractions, I've been having more insomnia. It stinks not being able to sleep! And that coupled with Jacob's current jet-lag that has him waking up around 7am is rather exhausting. Last night I was up until about 3am because I just could not fall asleep. My appetite has also been weird this past week. I haven't been as ravenously hungry as usual. I had zero appetite one day. My back is a little sore today but I just think that's from adjusting to sharing my bed again. I definitely won't complain about that! Totally worth it to have my hubby back! And I'm still feeling really good overall.
Food cravings: Only one strong craving this week- frozen yogurt! Not just any fro yo- the kind from those awesome places that do the self-serve soft serve fro yo with all the toppings selections. Yum! I could go for more right now just writing about it ;]
Food aversions: Nothing!
Any movement from baby? Yes! I pay pretty close attention to Camden's activity level these days. He's still an active little guy! I know he's running out of room but he wiggles around a lot. And he's back to getting the hiccups frequently :] He also has his own jam these days. Whenever he's awake and I play "It'z Just What We Do" by Florida Georgia Line, he goes crazy! He wiggles all over like he's dancing, hahaha. It's hilarious and wonderful. That's how Jake got to feel him move for the first time. Camden's jam, haha.
Gender: Boy!
Emotions and experiences this week: JACOB CAME HOME THIS WEEK!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, words cannot express how thoroughly happy I am to have my hubby back!!!! I knew that he was approved for early release from his deployment and I knew his fly out date... but I wasn't exactly sure what day he would be back here in Massachusetts with me. He ended up getting all of his in-processing done in Dover in one day, Thursday, then drove up here. But he told me he was going to come up Friday so I was very surprised to see him Thursday night! The situation is actually kind of a funny story... Jake told me that he would be spending the night in DE because he wasn't feeling too well and didn't have the energy to drive. I understood that he was tired and needed his rest but I was really disappointed at the same time. I just wanted him home right away! But I was happy to know I'd see him the next day and tried to do my best to just keep myself busy the rest of the evening. That meant watching the Bruins game, of course, haha. I was having contractions for a couple hours and started freaking out a little bit that I might be going into labor. So at about 10pm I texted Jake to let him know what was going on. He told me he'd leave right away and be there as soon as he could. I know that drive is like 6-7 hours so I expecting him to get in around 4am. Well, Jake called me at about 11pm and this is how our conversation went:
Jacob: I have a joke for you. Want to hear it?
Me: Sure... 
Jacob: Knock knock.
Me: Who's there?
Jacob: ManBear.
Me: ManBear who?
Jacob: ManBear's home!!!
Me: WHAT?!!?
Yeah, I was so shocked!! I couldn't even believe it! I ran outside and jumped on him. Yes, pregnant belly and all :P  It was amazing to finally be back in his arms!! It was just perfect. PERFECT. It's SO nice having him home!! He's gotten to feel Camden wiggle all around and get the hiccups a couple times. I think he likes it ;] Gahhh, I'm just completely happy to have Jacob back!!! Other than that major highlight, my week was good! Wednesday was my birthday. I got my hair cut (short mom hair, yay!) and a gel manicure, which was great. Then my daddy made lobster for lunch (my favorite!) and my parents treated me to Wholly Cannoli for dessert. I opted for a chunk of chocolate tiramisu instead of a cannoli and it was a very good decision, haha. So yummy! This was honestly a really awesome week, topped off with the best surprise ever with my hubby coming home :D
Looking forward to: Camden's arrival!! Now that Jake is home we're just waiting for our little guy to decide it's time to arrive. I'm hoping he comes on his due date or later. I'm really enjoying the time I have to just be with Jacob after 5 months apart. I'm not quite ready for everything to change with Camden's arrival yet... But I am very excited for him to come! I have a prenatal appointment tomorrow morning so I'm looking forward to that, too. I'm happy that Jake can be there for it! And I'm really curious to know if my contractions have helped my dilation progress. Ahhh, it's so crazy that I'm having a baby any day now!!