Tuesday, November 6, 2012

22 Weeks

How far along? 22 weeks & 2 days! 
How big is baby estimated to be? The size of a spaghetti squash or a papaya! Definitely a pound by now, maybe even  little more!
Total weight gain: About 9lbs. I'm somewhere around 133/133.5lbs. Soon to break that ten pound mark- eeek!
Wearing maternity clothes? Yep. Still trying to get away with my amazing Gap maternity leggings even though the weather is getting colder. I have been wearing my maternity jeans more though too. I like to be comfortable :] Still wearing all my regular shirts/sweaters/hoodies!
Symptoms this week: I had some pretty bad indigestion again this week! Very uncomfortable. I also aggravated a muscle or something in my stomach from working out... I think I just pushed myself a little too much. I wasn't in pain while I was working out but after I was done I got a very sharp pain in my lower stomach. It hurt to walk. I was a little scared at first! I was worried that I did something bad to baby... Luckily, I rested- put my legs up- and felt better the next day. The pain wasn't fully gone for a couple days but when I woke up the next morning I could tell it was a muscle thing so I wasn't as worried. I guess I just need to be a little more careful with working out! As far as other symptoms, I'm still getting stuffy noses and some leg cramps. Oh and I wake up a lot throughout the night. I usually fall right back asleep but I wake up and toss and turn a lot. Feeling good, though!
Food cravings: Scallops!! I was craving big, melt-in-your-mouth sea scallops this week! I'm a huge fan of seafood to begin with but this was such a strong craving. Luckily, last time I saw my OB I asked if I could eat scallops since I'm not supposed to eat shellfish (except lobster and crab) and scallops come from a shell. She said that they're fine to eat while pregnant- yay! I seared them up in a hot pan with some olive oil and put them over wilted spinach. Oh my gosh, one of the best meals I've ever made!! It was phenomenal! And it totally hit the spot! I was also craving red velvet cake this week. Weird, considering I've probably only had red velvet cake once in my life, haha. I tried to hold out but I ended up giving into the craving. I did make the cake in a healthy way, though! A box mix + 12oz of club soda. That cuts about 100 calories per serving and makes a single cupcake pretty guilt free. I made frosting for them using a mix of reduced-fat and fat-free cream cheese, fat-free vanilla Greek yogurt, powdered sugar and powdered vanilla. YUM. Aside from those two particular cravings, I'm still loving Cheerios and I cannot get enough fruit lately. I'm so glad that pomegranates are in season because they are one of my favorites!
Food aversions: Nothing! :]
Any movement from baby? Tons!!! This little guy LOVES to be active!! I think he's going to be a busy little baby! It would make sense, though. Jake and I are both active people. Maybe little CJ will become a workout-aholic like his mommy, haha. I felt a kick from outside of my tummy for the first time this week!!! I've been feeling him move like crazy lately and I've been trying to figure out if it can be felt on the outside yet; but itt seems like he stops kicking almost every time I put my hands on my tummy. The other night I was just watching TV and holding my tummy and "bonk!" I felt a kick!! It was so incredibly awesome!! I could hardly believe it! Since then I've been putting my hands on my stomach whenever he's wiggling around and I've felt a bunch more kicks! He was being very active yesterday morning and I could feel him kicking all over the place!! Gosh, I love it so so much! What an amazing feeling!! I just REALLY wish that Jacob could be here to experience this, too. It makes me sad that he'll never feel Camden's kicks like this.
Gender: Boy! 
Emotions and experiences this week: I've been feeling pretty content this week. Of course I still miss my husband like crazycrazycrazy! I can't even put it into words I miss him so much. But, for the most part, my emotions have been pretty stable. I've had some crazy hormone flare ups that just make me want to cry because Jacob is missing out on so much... I'm trying really hard to stay positive, though. I'm enjoying watching Camden grow and feeling his amazing little kicks! It's just hard not to be a little sad at the same time because Jake doesn't get to experience all of this with me. Oh, I had an awesome dream about Camden this week! I dreamt that I was in labor and it all went so quickly... and Jacob was there! It was such a good dream! Camden was so little and perfect- he had adorable chubby cheeks and a bunch of fuzzy brown hair. Ahhhh, so cool!! I can't wait to see what he's going to look like! I mean, I can wait because I have so much to figure out before then (insurance, pediatrician, etc.) and I know I'll miss being pregnant and all the special moments that entails... but I'm so excited to meet CJ! And to be a little family!
Looking forward to: Scrapbooking next weekend! It's going to be fun to get away and work on my wedding album for awhile. I need to get that finished so that I can start a baby scrapbook! I'm also looking forward to my OB appointment on Friday. Nothing exciting is happening at it but I will get to hear the heartbeat which is exciting enough for me! I like my OB appointments. Other than those two things, I'm still looking forward to the holidays! I love holidays.

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