Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Celebrating from thousands of miles apart
Merry Christmas from me, Jacob and baby Camden! It was very difficult to spend the holiday apart this year. Honestly, it was harder than I anticipated. I spent half the night Christmas Eve unable to sleep... I did a lot of crying and missing my hubby. It was rough. But I'm thankful and relieved that the holidays (well, besides New Years) are now over and I can look forward to spending them all with my husband and CJ next year! I'm ready to move forward. For me this year the holidays were simply a brazen reminder of my husband's absence. But at the same time they made me think about how fun it will be to have babyboy with us next year! I can't wait to celebrate all his firsts with my hubby! I'm trying to focus on that; trying to focus on all the good that the future will bring. Of course, Camden is on top of that list.

My perfect Camden,
Your Daddy and I are so very excited to meet you in a few short months! I'm so thankful to have you here with me right now. Knowing that you're growing big and strong inside of me makes me feel less alone while your Daddy is deployed. I think you can tell when I'm sad because you always seem to move around a lot more when I'm sad. It's like you know how much feeling you move cheers me up! Spending the holidays without your Daddy was really difficult this year but having you made it feel easier. You're my little blessing! I know that you are going to be an amazing little boy! And I hope you know that your Daddy and I love you so incredibly much! It's funny for us to think that this is our last Christmas not being parents. Next year, you will be here to love on and spoil! We can't wait to snuggle you all up and start fun family traditions with you. Your Daddy and I are going to have so much fun celebrating your first Christmas (and all your other firsts!) with you. We hope that you'll be as happy as we are to enjoy all of these special things together. For now, I will continue to enjoy having you so close to me. Merry Christmas my sweet little belly baby! You keep growing and I'll keep counting the days until I get to hold you in my arms. We love you very much, Camden!
Love forever,
Your Mommy

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