Wednesday, August 1, 2012

8 Weeks

How far along? 9 weeks & 4 days!8ish weeks!
How big is baby estimated to be? The size of a green olive
Total weight gain: According to the scale at the doctors office today, I've gained approximately one pound.
Wearing maternity clothes? No.
Symptoms this week: Not much, actually! My morning sickness is getting much better (or I'm getting better at dealing with it, haha). I'm pretty exhausted, though. I'm starting to take afternoon naps and that is helping :]
Food cravings: None.
Food aversions: BBQ chicken, Balance nutrition bars, and I'm starting to develop a coffee aversion! It's a sad story. I started drinking decaf when I found out I was pregnant but now I can't choke it down!
Any movement from baby? None that I can feel yet.
Gender prediction: Boy. However, I had one dream that baby was a girl! That seemed pretty real to me! But I'm still thinking boy. 
Emotions and experiences this week: Very, very happy! We had our nursing intake appointment today and we got to have an ultrasound and hear the heartbeat!!! The rest of the appointment was pretty boring but oh my gosh, hearing the heartbeat was absolutely amazing! Life changing, even. I couldn't believe how awesome it was to see our little bean baby and hear the soft rhythmic beating of his/her heart! It was quick and fluttery and just incredible!! Ahhh, I'm in love!! :D I'm feeling completely overjoyed and so thankful for this little blessing!!
Looking forward to: My OB appointment on Tuesday! Although I'm dreading the blood draw, ick. 

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