Friday, August 31, 2012

Little scare & working out

I had a little scare today. I was out running errands with Jake when I got this super sharp pain in my stomach! It was bad. I'm talking I could barely walk! And it was mostly concentrated on my right side- level with my belly button, wrapping from the front of my stomach around to my back. It was like nothing I've ever experienced before so it really freaked me out. I'm very attuned to my body so to have a pain that I couldn't identify (gas, cramps, etc.) was scary for me. I talked to my mom and she told me to call my doctor's office. I talked to a receptionist and waited for a nurse to call me back. Once she called and I explained what was going on she wanted to consult a doctor and call me back. Since we were already out, Jake decided to just drive me straight to the hospital in case they wanted me to come in. Once we got to the hospital and parked I got my call back from the nurse and she told me that the doctor said it didn't sound like anything major. Since my uterus is still pretty low she said it shouldn't have anything to do with a uterus problem. She suggested that I take some Tylenol and a warm bath to soothe the pain. By that point, the pain had gone down from a 7 to a 4 so I was relieved to hear that it shouldn't be anything major. The nurse told me to go to the hospital if the pain got worse, I got a fever, or started throwing up for bleeding. I'm feeling back to 100% now, which is great! But I was really scared for awhile about it. The pain was just so sharp and strange. I hope it doesn't happen again.

Needless to say, my errands got cut short because of that little scare. I was disappointed because I was planning on buying a prenatal workout DVD while I was out. I've been wanting to buy one for awhile but it wasn't too pressing since my regular workouts have still been doable. As I'm getting farther along I really wanted to get a prenatal workout DVD so I don't have to worry about modifying moves from my normal workouts. I was set on getting a new workout DVD to try tonight so I went out to find one after I was feeling better. I wanted to get this DVD, but the Walmart and the Target near me didn't have it! I was so disappointed. I love the idea of having the option to do a short 10 minute workout. I'm going to order it from Amazon instead. But I was determined to get something to try out tonight so I bought this DVD instead. I really liked that this came with separate workouts for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters along with 10 10-minute post-natal workouts! I did the 2nd trimester workout tonight and it was really good! It started slow, which made me a little hesitant, but it ended up being a good workout. It wasn't super challenging, but I still feel like I got a good workout. The cardio sections reminded me of step class (without the actual step, ha). The toning sections involved a lot of squats (my favorite!), some pushups, tricep work and other upper body stuff. I really liked that she ended the workout with some light, pregnancy-friendly ab work! I've been wondering what I can do without laying on my back so it was nice to get a couple ideas. I feel fantastic now that I've worked out today! I'm not gonna lie, I'v been slacking a little lately with the workouts. I've been walking a lot, so I guess that counts for something! But I haven't been making much time for strength training. Which is strange because I truly enjoy strength/toning/lifting. I've got up every morning determined to workout that day but I just don't make time for it and I go to bed telling myself I'll do it tomorrow. Now I'm not being a total lazy bum- I go for walks, do some stretching, sneak in some calf raises or squats- but I'm not really "bringing it" like I'm used to. Part of the reason, though, is that I like to workout HARD. I mean, dripping sweat, can barely catch my breath, heart rate to the max, hard. I get a twisted pleasure out of pushing myself harder than I think I can go just to prove that I can do it. I love killing myself during a workout and feeling like a million bucks afterwards! It's so... gratifying! The best high there is. However, I know that it isn't healthy for me to push myself that hard while I'm pregnant. I've been cleared by my doctor to literally do any workout I feel comfortable with (including Insanity) but I've also been told not to workout to the point of depriving baby of oxygen or making myself thoroughly exhausted. So I guess my problem is that I've been stuck in this all-or-nothing mentality. If I can workout as hard as humanly possible, I might as well not workout at all. Bad, Alayna. Bad. I'm trying to remind myself that working out during pregnancy has so many wonderful perks!! It will make my baby's heart stronger, it will help labor and delivery go more smoothly, and I will "bounce back" faster after the birth. It can relieve aches and pains, morning sickness, fatigue, headaches and other body ailments related to pregnancy. I know that it's good to workout, even if it isn't as ridiculously intense as I'm used to. Hence, buying workout DVDs. I prefer working out to DVDs (thanks for that, Tony Horton!) so I knew getting a prenatal workout DVD would be perfect for me. It was nice to have something to follow along to, an instructor to explain modifications and encourage me not to push beyond an 8 on my perceived level of exertion. Overall, I'm very happy with the DVD I got! It will be nice to have workouts to follow for the next few months. I AM going to workout more often now! I feel good.

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